Painting & drawing for adults & children. 

Weekend & weekday art lessons

Deana has the extraordinary ability to bring out the artist in everybody. She takes particular care on those who claim "I can't draw for toffees!" as she likes to show them how. The classes are fun, inclusive and social, with smiles abounding.

Weekend workshops  9 am - 12 noon.
3 hour sessions £35.00 each
This class is suitable for all levels, especially beginners.  Just simply come along with your enthusiasm, sense of humour & your desire to create!  Bring your own materials in Painting or Sketching or anything crafty you wish, spend a relaxed session with like minded creatives with Tutor guidance on hand if you need it.  You can come for a one off sessions at £35 each, discounts applicable when you book a set.    

All ages are welcome from age 10 years upwards...

Thursday afternoons 2-4pm
2 hour session £21.00 each

Come along, bring your own materials in Painting or Sketching or anything crafty you wish, spend a relaxed session with like minded creatives with Tutor guidance on hand if you need it.  You can come for a one off session or discounts applicable when you book a set. 

Payment is required at time of booking. Book and pay direct online at the homepage

Any questions to  Tel:07817 862342


Painting, Clay and mixed media for adults and children with Sue Wagstaff


Life Drawing with Jordan Cook